Ezer-Up Sofa, Loveseat and Recliner Riser


 Easy to install, easy to enjoyezer-up

 For Men and Women       
ezer-up testimonial

You can keep your comfortable sofa or recliner and  stand up easier every time every day!



With our sophisticated attaching system, we can fit almost any furniture feet, including very large round or square feet.



Unique grip points firmly grip the furniture feet.




                       For loveseats and sofas.


 Ezer-Ups work with double (two person) recliners.


ezer-up double recliner


Ezer-Ups can raise your seat, giving you a better sitting posture so it is easier to stand up.

If your bottom is lower than the top of your knees when sitting, more effort is required to stand up and muscles are strained. It is much easier to stand up if the top of your knees are near the same height as your bottom.                                    

 Chaplin Video


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